Friends of Jean Hirtzel
The Friends of the Jean Hirtzel Association was created in 2000 with the goal of maintaining the spirit of the space (Espace Jean Hirtzel), to make the artist’s work known and to promote all artistic expression.
By becoming a member of the Association, you help the activities that the Project sets out thanks to your yearly membership or to specific gifts. The unique benefits, that are proposed, offer an in-depth discovery of the work and opportunities to concretely participate in the Project.
(annual subscription of CHF 10.-)
(annual subscription of CHF 20.-)
(annual subscription of CHF 100.-)
The following benefits are offered :
- Invitations to the exhibitions
- Invitations to all activities organised by the Jean Hirtzel Project
- Invitations to special events exclusively reserved to Partners and Friends
- Consultation on certain decisions tied to the Jean Hirtzel Project
- Optional participation in the general assembly of the Friends of Jean Hirtzel Association
- Receiving information regarding organised activities and the Project’s progress.
(annual subscription of CHF 500.- or more)
Additional benefits are :
- Mention of your name (unless not wanted) in communications connected to the Jean Hirtzel Project (press reports, invitations, website…)
- Organisation of private sales at the Espace Jean Hirtzel upon request
- Organisation of privates visits at the Espace Jean Hirtzel
- Availability of the Espace Jean Hirtzel for events promoting his work.
For your information, it is also possible to donate to the Jean Hirtzel Project.
Please contact the Association at the address of this site. The Project’s managers will pass on your message to the respective committee.